Braverman claim’s UK’s future looks bleak under ‘timid’ Rishi Sunak

The former Home Secretary called for tougher laws to criminalise anti-Semitic chants at protests and for the UK to leave the “straitjacket” of human rights laws blocking the Rwanda plan on asylum seekers.

She said: “I felt there had been a lack of moral leadership over the last four weeks.

“We have seen hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets on a weekly basis chanting anti-Semitic slogans, celebrating terrifying acts of terrorism, threatening community cohesion and undermining British values.

“There had been tepid and timid statements from the Prime Minister throughout the course of this issue. I felt there was a real opportunity for the Prime Minister to demonstrate some moral leadership, to demonstrate that this is not what Britain stands for, that we are an inclusive, tolerant and respectful nation.”

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Mrs Braverman was sacked a week ago after writing an explosive article suggesting Scotland Yard has taken sides when policing protests in London.

She said Mr Sunak rang to tell her the piece “wasn’t the right thing to do”. But Mrs Braverman said that was a “bit odd” because there had been an agreement with No10 that she would write the article.

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She added: “The Prime Minister’s plan is not working. He needs to change course urgently.

“Our prospects are looking bleak and we need to start delivering.”

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