200,000 people sign Daily Express petition to demand triple-lock is paid in full

Fury over the future of the triple lock has seen our petition smash through the 200,000 barrier in less than a week.

Ministers are still deciding whether to honour the formula in full this year or change it to save the Government hundreds of millions of pounds.

Our crusade with Silver Voices calls on ministers to pay out April’s increase at the expected 8.5 percent, instead of 7.8 percent.

Dennis Reed, director of Silver Voices, said: “At a time when petitions are two a penny and many barely get started, more than 200,000 people have taken the trouble to sign ours.

“This response is truly humbling and exposes the short-sightedness of the Government in questioning the triple lock.

READ MORE Huge blow for pensioners as Trott refuses to guarantee triple lock next year

“All ages, all political persuasions, all regions and nations, stand with Silver Voices and the Daily Express on this one and the Government will have to take note, sooner or later.” The triple lock guarantees a rise linked to inflation, earnings or at least 2.5%.

Meanwhile, the age for being automatically enrolled into a pension will be lowered from 22 to 18, it was announced yesterday in a boost for millions of grafters.

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride said: “This Bill will mean millions across the country can save more and save earlier – boosting security in older age and helping people achieve the retirements they’ve worked so hard for.”

  • Sign the petition at www.change.org/stick-with-the-triple-lock

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