'I watched my mum murder my dad… I look forward to seeing her HANG'

‘I watched my evil mother murder my father… I look forward to seeing her HANG’: Son of British wife who poisoned her husband’s biryani is ‘proud’ to have helped convict her

  • EXCLUSIVE: When he was nine Arjun watched his mother kill his father 
  • Now aged 17, he says he is looking forward to watching her hang for the crime 

The son of a cheating British wife whose dramatic court evidence led to her receiving the death penalty in India for murdering her husband today insisted he has no regrets and is looking forward to watching her hang.

Ramandeep Kaur Mann was found guilty of murdering her husband Sukhjit Singh, 34, by lacing his biryani dinner with sedatives and slitting his throat as he slept in the marital bed during a family holiday in India in 2016.

Mann, 38, from Derby, plotted to execute her husband with her lover Gurpreet Singh, his childhood friend – but the murder was witnessed by their eldest son Arjun, who was aged nine at the time.

Arjun, wow aged 17, was the key prosecution witness at her trial and gave gripping testimony in court as his mother looked on. 

He chillingly described how he saw his mother smother his father with a pillow before her lover hit him over the head with a hammer and then she slit his throat.

Arjun says he will never forgive his mother for what she did to his dad. Now 17, he has asked MailOnline to use only childhood photos of him for this article so he can rebuild his life.

Mann (pictured)  has been sentenced to death in India for murdering her husband so that she could inherit £2 million from his life insurance policy

Sukhjit Singh (pictured) was murdered by his wife Ramandeep Kaur Mann in front of their nine-year-old son Arjun (middle)

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Arjun, said: ‘There are not many children who watch their mother kill their father and then give evidence about it. How do you try and get on with your life after something like this?

READ MORE: How the perfect couple’s marriage ended in a poisoned biryani and a slit throat: British wife, 38, faces the hangman’s rope after plotting with her lover to murder her husband, 34, for his £2m life insurance and £100,000 assets

‘I’ve had to be very brave and I’m proud of what I’ve done because I’ve got justice for my father.

‘My brother and me don’t think of this woman as my mother anymore, she’s evil.

‘We want nothing to do with her. As far as I’m concerned, she stopped being a mother to us the moment she murdered our father.’

Commenting on her death sentence, which in India is usually carried out by hanging he said: ‘I would like to be there when it happens. It doesn’t fill me with fear, in fact, it would give me a lot of satisfaction and relief and I look forward to that day. I would like all my family to be there with me.

‘I would like to see with my own eyes that justice for my father has been served. She deserves to hang because she did such an evil thing she did.’

Arjun was in the UK when his mother’s death sentence was announced by a judge following her trial in Shahjahan District Court in the state of Uttar Pradesh, north India.

He said: ‘I had a lot of mixed feelings when I heard about it. On one hand I felt relief and that it was right. But I wasn’t happy because I’ve still lost my father, which makes me very sad.

‘But I don’t have any sympathy for her because she’s never shown any remorse and has lied this whole time.’

Arjun was awoken on the night of the murder while he slept in an adjoining bed to his father

The following morning he told his grandmother what he had seen and his mother was arrested

Arjun revealed that since her arrest, neither he or his younger brother Aaron have ever spoken or communicated with Mann

Mann is currently languishing in Shahjahanpur District Jail and is appealing her death sentence (Pictured with her husband)

Arjun was awoken on the night of the murder while he slept in an adjoining bed to his father as he did not eat the biryani laced with sedatives, which his younger brother Aaron, then aged 5, ate.

Recalling the events of the night, Arjun said: ‘I was fast asleep and then I heard a banging noise. I looked up from under the sheet and my mum was on top of my dad smothering him with a pillow.

‘Then Gurpreet, who I called “uncle Mithu” hit him over the head with a hammer. I remember the two of them then had a conversation saying “he’s still alive. We’ve got to finish him off.” 

READ MORE: Indian judge who sentenced British mother to death for murdering her husband by poisoning his biryani claimed she deserved the punishment because she shouted abuse at her mother-in-law during her trial

My mum then took the knife and slit his throat.’

As he looked on, Arjun remembered: ‘I was terrified that if I said something or tried to stop them, they might kill me. I was lying on my side under a sheet watching this horror happen.

‘Out of pure fright I just lay there, I froze. I closed my eyes, and my heart was beating really fast. None of it felt real, I couldn’t understand what I’d just seen. I was so scared.’

With his father lying next to him in a pool of blood, Arjun said that he hid under a sheet and the next thing he remembers is that it was morning.

He immediately rushed downstairs to alert his grandmother that ‘something had happened’ but was unable to tell her exactly what as he was accompanied by his mother.

Police arrived within an hour, but it was not until later that day that Arjun whispered to his grandmother what he witnessed as Mann was being spoken to by officers in a separate part of the house.

She was arrested at the family home in the village of Basantapur, north India, where they had been staying during the visit to Mr Singh’s mother.

Arjun revealed that since her arrest, neither he or his younger brother Aaron have ever spoken or communicated with Mann. She is currently languishing in Shahjahanpur District Jail and is appealing her death sentence.

The court was told that her affair with Gurpreet started during a family holiday to Dubai where he lived, in 2015.

Arjun said: ‘She’s written us letters, but we don’t even read them. We just tear them up and throw them in the bin. Why would we want anything to do with a woman who has taken our father away from us?’

‘We’d had a lovely holiday to Dubai and as far as I knew, Mithu was my uncle and a family friend. I was nine at the time, I had no idea what was going on. Both he and my mother have betrayed us.’

The two boys now live  in a seven-bedroom house in the Midlands with their grandchildren

To this day, Arjun (right) does not speak about his father’s murder in front of his little brother Aaron

Gurpreet confessed to the crime and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Arjun revealed that one of the most challenging moments of the past few years was when he travelled to India to give evidence against his mother.

He said: ‘She just stared straight ahead and never said anything to me and I was trying not to make eye contact with her.

‘I felt quite scared because it wasn’t easy to stand in court and tell them what happened. It took a lot of courage, but my family were with me, and I felt supported and loved by them.’

Arjun is surprisingly articulate and mature for his age and remarkably composed when he speaks about his father’s killing. He is currently studying A levels and has ambitions to be an engineer. 

His younger brother Aaron is now aged 13 and is at secondary school.

Following the murder, the boys found themselves at the centre of a legal battle as their mother’s family attempted to get custody of them.

But a court eventually ruled that it should be awarded to their paternal uncle and aunt, Kuldip Singh and Kulwinder Kaur. They live with them in a seven-bedroom home in the Midlands.

The couple are keen to ensure that the boys lead as normal a life as possible and did not want current photographs of Arjun to appear as those outside the immediate family circle do not know about what he experienced. 

They also do not speak about Mr Singh’s murder in front of Aaron.

They have two grown up boys of their own but said they felt it was their ‘moral duty’ to become the legal guardians of their nephews following the killing.

Arjun shared childhood pictures of him and his father, he revealed that despite the horror he witnessed, he holds onto happier memories of their time together

Kuldip, a successful businessman said: ‘Given what they’ve gone through the boys are doing incredibly well. They work hard at school and are very polite and well balanced. They are a credit to their father, and we believe that out of this horrible tragedy, we’ve received two gifts. They are our shining stars.

‘But we don’t want Arjun and Aaron to be stigmatised in any way. It’s not that we’re ashamed of what’s happened but we are very protective over them so that they can lead normal, happy lives.’

His wife Kulwinder said: ‘We raised two sons of our own, who are now in their late 20s and thought we were free of parenting responsibilities. But when my brother was killed, we had to step up for his boys. We feel blessed that they have come into our lives.’

As Arjun shared childhood pictures of him and his father, he revealed that despite the horror he witnessed, he holds onto happier memories of their time together.

He said: ‘We used to love going mountain biking and working together around the house. My dad also loved his cars, he owned two BMWs and a Mercedes, and I had a lot of fun driving around in them with him. I wanted to be like him when I grew up.

‘He was a really good dad and I miss him a lot. I’ll never forget the wonderful memories I have of him but as sad as it is, me and my brother are lucky to have found a new mum and dad.’

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