{"id":193557,"date":"2023-09-12T09:39:04","date_gmt":"2023-09-12T09:39:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/tokenstalk.info\/?p=193557"},"modified":"2023-09-12T09:39:04","modified_gmt":"2023-09-12T09:39:04","slug":"voice-supporters-must-correct-the-misinformation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/tokenstalk.info\/world-news\/voice-supporters-must-correct-the-misinformation\/","title":{"rendered":"Voice supporters must correct the misinformation"},"content":{"rendered":"

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Credit: <\/span>Cathy Wilcox<\/cite><\/p>\n

To submit a letter to The Age<\/em>, email letters@theage.com.au. Please include your home address and telephone number. No attachments, please include your letter in the body of the email. See here for our rules and tips on getting your letter published.<\/strong><\/p>\n

I was disappointed but not surprised to read that the No campaign is training volunteers to use fear, doubt and misinformation to sway undecided voters (\u201cVolunteers urged to use fear, doubt in No push\u201d, 12\/11). By contrast, I am part of a passionate group of volunteers who are committed to supporting the Voice by sharing factual information with our local community. The truth is that a Voice is a simple and modest change to our Constitution that has specifically been asked for by First Nations people. It will give Indigenous Australians an opportunity to have a say in the policies that affect their lives. Rather than being divisive, it will make Australia a fairer and more equal country. Those of us who support the Voice as a gesture of reconciliation also now bear the responsibility of correcting the misinformation coming from the No campaign. It is clear that quietly voting Yes on referendum day will not be enough.
Emma Smith, Brunswick West<\/strong><\/p>\n

Emotions usually outweigh facts<\/strong>
So, the No campaign is apparently using fear and doubt to try to defeat the proposed constitutional amendment for the Voice. Am I supposed to be surprised or outraged? It seems to me that the Yes campaign is also a fact-free zone, with their arguments centred on an edifice of hope resting unsteadily on a foundation of guilt. Most people base all big decisions (and many small ones) on emotions rather than on rational, fact-based arguments. For what rational reason would people choose to have children, volunteer to fight and perhaps die in wars, cry at the movies or celebrate their team winning a football match? Emotions usually outweigh \u201cfacts\u201d \u2013 it\u2019s disingenuous to pretend otherwise.
David Francis, Ivanhoe<\/strong><\/p>\n

Do your own research and dispel the fear<\/strong>
It is disappointing, but not surprising, to read of the tactics of the No campaign. Apparently they focus on sowing fear and doubt, as do many prominent Liberal and National politicians. This is an appeal to people\u2019s self-interest of course. This will only work if people do not do their research into what the Voice actually means and how it will be set up. People have been abusive to us Yes campaigners on the street. Someone cut down my Yes sign on the front fence after two days of it being erected. Is this what our nation is about? Are we not the nation of the fair go? There is nothing to fear from an advisory body like the Voice. Time to accept the invitation of First Nations people to walk with them to a better future for them and for us.
Jan Marshall, Brighton<\/strong><\/p>\n

Don\u2019t let politics of dishonesty become entrenched<\/strong>
The tawdry tactics deployed by Peter Dutton and the No campaign have elevated the outcome of this referendum to something much larger than Aboriginal recognition and the Voice. If the referendum fails then the tactics of the No campaign will become an entrenched feature of political discourse in Australia, as it has become in the US. Of course the tactics of distortion, deceit and misinformation are not new; to some extent all politicians have used them. But when they become the prime tools of one side then we have a real problem. A successful referendum will have positive impacts on Aboriginal people and it will have at worst a negligible impact on the rest of us. A defeat will be devastating for Aboriginal Australians and it will reinforce the politics of dishonesty and division, and that will have a lasting negative impact on all Australians.
Graeme Henchel, Yarra Glen<\/strong><\/p>\n

Maybe Yes side chose wrong theme song<\/strong>
The choice of John Farnham\u2019s You\u2019re the Voice as the campaign song for the Yes vote appears to have gained no traction with voters in the referendum. Perhaps it is because of the critical following line \u201cTry and understand it\u201d, which is the central criticism of the constitutional amendment to the constitution. The No campaign may as well have the same ditty.
William Cook, Ascot Vale<\/strong><\/p>\n


Yes campaign not pure<\/strong>
An organisation campaigning for the No vote on October 14 is using tactics that are objectionable (12\/9). That\u2019s regrettable. Also regrettable is the PM\u2019s claim that opponents of the Voice are \u201ctrying to start a culture war\u201d. Likewise Marcia Langton\u2019s statement that defeat of the Yes case will embolden racists. Or Noel Pearson\u2019s attack on Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price \u2013 that she was being used \u201cto punch down on other blackfellas\u201d. Putting it bluntly, neither Yes or No is on the high moral ground.
Alun Breward, Malvern East<\/strong><\/p>\n

Put-downs unfair<\/strong>
Good to see Neville Bonner remembered with appreciation and respect by George Brandis (Comment, 11\/9). Not so good to see his article bookended by sentences serving to express only contempt for proponents and supporters of the Voice. I certainly do not hear the tone of its proponents as in general one of \u201chectoring complaint\u201d, even if that tone might belong to some of what is said by some people. And to speak of the Voice, and by strong implication those who support it, as merely \u201cgiv[ing] middle class liberals an easy way to dump their white guilt in the moral wheelie bin and pretend[ing] the challenges of Indigenous advantage are sorted\u201d does nothing to advance thinking on the issue. I would agree that any supporter of the Voice who thinks that all those challenges would be \u201csorted\u201d by it is naive. There may be some who think that, but I don\u2019t know any. Most of the ones I know think that it is a step \u2013 only one step, though an important one \u2013 towards trying to enable a better engagement with some of those challenges.
Christopher Cordner, Queenscliff<\/strong><\/p>\n

More than a \u2018vibe\u2019 needed<\/strong>
David Crowe is spot on when he says that it\u2019s looking as if a majority of Australian voters \u201cwill not back the Voice on the \u2018vibe\u2019 alone\u201d (12\/9). Indeed, it\u2019s becoming increasingly evident that some understanding about what the Voice would look like is crucial for many voters when it comes to making an informed decision about whether or not to vote for the inclusion of a permanent body in our Constitution. If Anthony Albanese wants to turn things around, he must explain in general terms how the Voice would be elected, how many people would be in it, how it would liaise with regional representative Aboriginal bodies, how it would provide advice to parliament and executive government, and how it would be highly unlikely to interfere in general government business as a result. I know it can be argued that any information about the Voice could be attacked. But maybe it\u2019s better to be attacked than to create a great big vacuum which the No campaign has been only too willing to fill.
Ivan Glynn, Vermont<\/strong><\/p>\n

Listen to Winnie<\/strong>
Those who seem to be full of fear or even just uncertainty about the Voice to parliament would do well to read A.A. Milne\u2019s Winnie the Pooh<\/em>. Remember, although Piglet was generally timid, he tried to be brave and conquer his fears. Says poor, worried Piglet: \u201cSupposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?\u201d \u201cSupposing it didn\u2019t,\u201d said Pooh, after careful thought. So that\u2019s it, a tree won\u2019t fall down. The Voice won\u2019t harm you. You have nothing to lose. But it could give respect to many, many others. Give the Voice the benefit of the doubt and don\u2019t be swayed by fear, uncertainty and doubt.
Judy Hungerford, Kew<\/strong><\/p>\n

Postal vote madness<\/strong>
I will be away from home from September 29 to October 16. On applying for a postal vote I am advised voting papers would arrive after October 1. Early voting centres open in Victoria on October 2. I will not have a postal address while away, and could not rely on timely postal return in any case. I am not concerned about a fine for failure to vote; I have an opinion and wish my vote to count. It appears I cannot vote due to bureaucratic reasons. There must be others in similar situations, which given the time this Voice discussion has been dragging on is not acceptable. Perhaps we need to introduce electronic communications to our electoral processes.
Tim Wilson, Inverloch<\/strong><\/p>\n

Let the dogs in<\/strong>
I\u2019ve been trying to make sense of this law that \u201cprohibits live animals, including dogs, from being in any food-handling area of a food premises\u201d, on the basis that the animals can carry a disease which can contaminate the food (\u201cDog fans howl over pups in pubs edict\u201d, 12\/9). I\u2019ve been to Europe and the UK many times and there is certainly no such law over there, and I have rejoiced at seeing well-behaved dogs sitting under the table while their owners dined. On a more domestic note, my family and I (and I presume millions of others) have had dogs in our houses for all of our lives. Never once have we been subject to food contamination. I think sometimes governments are a little too precious about protecting our health in these nanny state times. Let\u2019s leave it to the good sense of the owners of food premises and of the dog owners.
Graham Bridge, Morwell<\/strong><\/p>\n

People carry germs, too<\/strong>
It is disappointing to see that dogs may not be allowed to join their owners in the City of Yarra. I am looking forward to taking my newly adopted poodle to meet my daughter for lunch in a beer garden, thankfully not in the City of Yarra. Yes, animals can carry germs, but so do people. We trust that everybody keeps their germs to themselves, but I have seen waiters with their thumbs in food on plates and wiping food off the edge of a plate with a dirty tea towel.
Wilma Hills, Echuca<\/strong><\/p>\n

A true hero<\/strong>
The 19-year-old Afghan woman (\u201cAfghan underground book club offers hope\u201d, 11\/9) who has taught herself excellent English, teaches other Afghan girls English, holds clandestine book club-type meetings, and is studying business administration, is the very definition of a mensch. The Taliban who oppose all this are the opposite.
Michael Helman, St Kilda East<\/strong><\/p>\n

House crisis will worsen<\/strong>
The $10 billion solution to the housing crisis is expected to build 30,000 new homes over a five-year period (12\/9). This is a PR exercise. The immigration level this year alone is expected to be 400,000, all of whom will be competing for our scarcity of housing. When combined with our natural increase in population and the replacement of obsolete housing stock, the housing crisis will worsen. Government must address the demand side of the housing crisis and put a pause on population growth through immigration until housing and rentals are affordable.
Barry Lizmore, Ocean Grove<\/strong><\/p>\n

Young at the opera<\/strong>
Along with Bridget Davies (11\/9), I watched Melbourne Opera\u2019s production of Maria Stuarda. The review concludes: \u201cMaria Stuarda<\/em> is a curious programming choice, having been seen recently by regulars, and it could hardly be argued this opera is bringing in a new audience\u201d. Donizetti\u2019s Tudor trilogy, including Maria Stuarda<\/em>, was last performed in 2015-7, perhaps not too recent.
There were only one or two empty seats in the stalls, and unusually for opera, my friend and I were the only people with white hair. Judging by the age of the majority of those attending the performance on Saturday, 20 to 40 years, it was probably new to them. While I feel concern for the future of opera and classical music, I was encouraged and delighted to see the Athenaeum full of young people laughing, whooping and obviously appreciating the opera. Melbourne Opera must be doing something right in getting young people to enjoy opera. Is it the price, venue, good marketing or just an exciting program with amazing Australian singers?
Janice Davies, North Warrandyte<\/strong><\/p>\n

Road to nowhere<\/strong>
We need to be grateful to The Age<\/em>\u2019s chief reporter Chip Le Grand for the new information he has provided about the grand prix (\u201cSydney\u2019s plot to snatch grand prix\u201d, 12\/8, and \u201cState leaves grand prix driver\u2019s seat empty\u201d, 11\/9), particularly regarding the huge increase in the race hosting fee to nearly $150 million, arising from Sydney\u2019s bid for the event. This has no doubt put smiles on the faces of the US owners of Formula 1, but Victoria\u2019s homeless and needy would see it very differently. With inevitable cost increases, billions of dollars will now be sacrificed on staging this imported car race event over the 14-year contract period.
Peter Goad (Save Albert Park), <\/strong>
Middle Park<\/strong><\/p>\n

Music changes lives<\/strong>
I write as a musician\/music teacher in support of the excellent article by Richard Evans (\u201cWe have an education problem \u2013 here\u2019s a solution\u201d, Comment, 11\/9). Such a wonderful program is being run by the Australian Chamber Orchestra at a primary school in NSW, providing daily instrumental lessons for children, many of whom come from families with severe socio-economic disadvantage. Evaluation of this program over five years has shown that engaging children in music activities leads to an improvement in all other areas of their learning. I\u2019m not sure how many times this has to be stated before the Education Department and government education ministers take this to heart and establish music programs in all schools. This will change the lives of children and teenagers, enhancing their learning in all areas. It seems like a no-brainer to me, as I\u2019m sure it does for all musicians and music teachers. We know from first-hand experience.
Joy Hayman, Surrey Hills<\/strong><\/p>\n

Bills not so bad<\/strong>
My energy bills this winter (June-August) were not so bad, so why all the whining in the media and in the parliaments? My AGL gas bill for this winter period was only $616.26, while my Origin electricity bill was only $926.32. Winter is when the most energy is used in my house, but I am not whingeing. So stop complaining everyone, put a jumper on and carry on with life.
Adrian Jackson, Middle Park<\/strong><\/p>\n


Support for the Voice to parliament is falling.<\/span>Credit: <\/span>Alex Ellinghausen<\/cite><\/p>\n


The Voice<\/strong>
How fair is that (\u201cVolunteers urged to use fear, doubt in No push\u201d, 12\/09)? Another reason to not answer your telephone.
Randall Bradshaw, Fitzroy<\/strong><\/p>\n

It\u2019s no surprise that volunteers for the No campaign are told to \u201cuse fear and doubt\u201d to trump arguments used by the Yes camp (12\/9). They have to do this because that\u2019s all they have.
Jill Rosenberg, Caulfield South<\/strong><\/p>\n

The republic, climate change and now the Voice \u2013 the conservatives are masters at muddying the waters.
Greg Curtin, Blackburn South<\/strong><\/p>\n

How cleverly ironic for Paul Sakkal to report that the No campaign will \u201cuse fear and doubt rather than facts to trump arguments used by the Yes camp\u201d. And so very sad that it seems we are emulating the former USA president in the demise of decency.
Sally Davis, Malvern East<\/strong><\/p>\n

Another landlord feels they need to invest their money elsewhere (Letters, 11\/9). Surely a win-win. Every investor who bails from the property market opens up the chance of a family buying a home.
Peter McGill, Lancefield<\/strong><\/p>\n

The impact of feral cats on native wildlife \u2013 especially species that are endangered with extinction \u2013 is catastrophic.
Steve Barrett, Glenbrook<\/strong><\/p>\n

Your correspondent Caroline Heard (Letters, 12\/9) has come, apparently late in life, to the realisation that tea bags are to proper tea what instant coffee is to the real stuff. Could this be the start of a new Melbourne revolution?
Roger Foot, Essendon<\/strong><\/p>\n

Re Letters, 12\/9. They told me at the \u2019G they can\u2019t take cash because of COVID. No worries, I said, I\u2019ll keep my cash in my COVID wallet and go without your overpriced beer.
James Lane, Hampton East<\/strong><\/p>\n

Patricia Karvelas is a natural for Q+A<\/em>. Her intelligence and thoughtfulness make it a delight to watch.
Lyn Mitchell, Black Rock<\/strong><\/p>\n

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