Peculiarities of writing a resume

A resume is your calling card on the labor market, one of the most effective means of self-promotion and self-marketing. It is a document that is a brief career history and a description of professionally important qualities.

It is written and sent to employers for them to get to know you in advance and decide whether to invite you for an interview. It is used for employment with most foreign and domestic commercial firms.

The resume should look nice. It is the first impression an employer gets of your person.

The purpose of the resume is to attract the attention of a potential employer.

The resume must meet the following requirements:

  • Conciseness – the length of the text is equal to one page.
  • Relevance – write only about what is relevant to the job, avoid unnecessary details and details.
  • Truthfulness – provide only the information you can fully confirm.
  • Positive – give a favorable impression, highlight positive qualities and strengths, list successes.
  • Systematic – provide information in a coherent manner, don’t leave time gaps.
  • Uniqueness – write about what characterizes you as a professional, distinguishes you from most other job candidates.
  • Good writing style – use precise wording, avoid obscure acronyms and jargon.
  • Literacy.

When writing a resume you should be selective, selecting information for the resume according to its purpose

The task of the person who sent the resume is to make the reader want to meet him personally.

A resume includes the following items:

  • Name, address, phone number (including area code).
  • Purpose – a brief description of what position the person is applying for.
  • Work Experience. Work experience is listed in reverse chronological order (last place of employment is listed first). It is necessary to indicate the dates of the beginning and the end of work, the name of the organization, the title of the position, job duties and production achievements that have taken place.
  • Education (the more time has passed since graduation, the less space this item should occupy in the resume). For graduates, this item is usually placed before the previous one, since work experience, if any, is less significant. Professional development, which emphasizes increased professionalism, can be included as a separate paragraph.
  • Professional Skills. List your professional knowledge and skills required to perform the duties of the position you are applying for, as well as your work achievements.
  • Additional information: fluency in foreign languages, computer skills, programming languages, driver’s licence, own car, etc. You can indicate your positive qualities that will help you successfully perform your intended duties.

For your convenience, you can use resume writing companies.