Learning the art of photography

So, you have long been thinking about mastering the art of photography but don’t know how to learn to take pictures and where to start. There is a lot to think about. Professional photography requires the presence of a huge baggage of knowledge, long practice, and the presence of a creative component. However, many beginners make one serious mistake: they try to learn the received material without a systematic approach and work it out in practice. As a result, this method of learning leads to very questionable results: the shots turn out rather “dull” and unremarkable.

Why does this happen? Because there is no systematic learning. Therefore, when answering the question of how to photograph correctly, we took into account not only the amount of information and practice but the right order of action. For example, first, we deal with the intricacies of photography, and then with post-processing using iPad apps for photo editing. Read Skylum’s blog for systematic learning about the nuances of photo art.

person taking photo using Canon camera in shallow focus lens

Choosing the way of learning

A beginner has only 2 ways: learning to take pictures on a self-made basis or taking a photography course for beginners. Each variant has its advantages and disadvantages, and to impartially evaluate both methods of training, let’s pay attention to their key features.

What is good about self-study:

  • it does not require the cost of training;
  • you can set your schedule and study when it is convenient;
  • the intensity of learning, as well as the amount of information, can be selected independently depending on the individual speed of assimilation.

As for the disadvantages of self-study, they are the following:

  • unsystematic or incorrect order of learning the material due to inexperience;
  • lack of control by an expert during practical exercises;
  • the duration of learning by trying and failing;
  • you may not be satisfied with the result of learning.

If you want to avoid all of this, it is better to take photography courses for beginners, after which you can get great pictures, and earn money as well.

Training at the photography school is:

  • the use of patented unique training programs developed by experienced photography educators;
  • a large number of practices under the guidance of experts;
  • only the necessary, properly presented theory;
  • guaranteed learning results;
  • constant communication with like-minded people;
  • opportunity to create your portfolio during the training;
  • receiving a certificate of passing the course, which will confirm the qualification.

A step-by-step training program to learn the art of photography

So, how to learn photography, and in what order should you proceed with it? These and many other questions are answered below.

Getting Started

To understand how to take pictures correctly and learn to do it in practice, you should first learn about the basic settings of the camera. It is noteworthy that at least every second owner of a “DSLR” takes pictures only in automatic mode, without using the very extensive functionality of the equipment. By the way, it can help to get those “superframes” that cannot be made in some cases by just clicking the button.

Working with Light

After a detailed study of the functions and settings of photographic equipment and your camera in general, it is worth learning the values and the main functions of lighting when taking pictures, as well as the rules for its use.

It may come as a surprise to some, but there are different kinds of light. It can be studio or natural, hard or soft. Each case requires a different perspective, accessories, special effects, and other little things that fundamentally change the result.

An introduction to portraiture and individual shooting skills

Portraiture is probably the main trend in photography. Once you learn how to shoot portraits, you can consider that half of the job is done. This is especially true for beginner photographers, because of the complexity of both the direct shooting of people and communicating with them.

Every photographer should be able to communicate with models. Whether they are professionals or just ordinary people, they come to the photo session for a fee.

woman holding DSLR camera

Rules of composition

The right angle, perspective, subject matter – all of this is directly related to the composition of the picture. If you do not have a basic understanding of composition, you will never make a good photo.

Composition rules a rather complicated topic that requires a long and detailed study of many nuances, such as framing, perspective, tones, and shades in the frame, etc.

The basics of photo processing

Almost any photo needs processing. Most photographers use the well-known Photoshop or Lightroom for this purpose. Both photo editors are good in their way, they have many features that you will need to learn about.

Learned how to take pictures? Now it’s time to announce yourself!

Once you’ve mastered the basic course, you can start practicing. Try to take pictures as much and often as you can, but remember all you have learned. Constantly using the acquired knowledge, you sharpen your professional skills.


While studying the art of photography, try to be systematic in the learning process. When you put your knowledge into practice, do your best to use everything you’ve learned. In looking for inspiration, check out the works of other professionals. Also, don’t neglect post-processing, the best iPad apps for photo editing will help you. On Skylum’s blog, you will always find interesting and up-to-date information about photography.