Health secretary Michael Matheson 'is in hiding' to avoid scrutiny

Now Scottish iPad minister is accused of going roaming himself: Health secretary Michael Matheson ‘is in hiding’ to avoid scrutiny over his £11,000 tablet data bill

  •  Police Scotland also confirmed they will take no further action ‘at this time’

Beleaguered Michael Matheson was last night accused of going into ‘hiding’ to avoid scrutiny over his £11,000 iPad data roaming bill.

The Health Secretary ducked interviews and steered clear of the Scottish parliament on the day A&E performance hit its lowest level since January.

It led to accusations that the controversy over his eye-watering data roaming bill on a trip to Morocco is now impacting on his day job in charge of the NHS.

The Scottish Tories have threatened to call a vote of no confidence in the minister unless he hands his iPad to parliamentary authorities to check its browser history.

Police Scotland also confirmed they will take no further action against Mr Matheson ‘at this time’ after assessing a fraud complaint from a member of the public.

The Health Secretary ducked interviews and steered clear of the Scottish parliament on the day A&E performance hit its lowest level since January

Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy said: ‘Michael Matheson’s impression of Lord Lucan will only fuel speculation that he has something serious to hide.

‘His failure to be upfront on this scandal is now clearly impacting on his ability to do his day job.

‘The last thing patients and staff need is a health secretary who disappears into hiding as the NHS slides into a deepening winter crisis of his government’s making.’

The complaint to Police Scotland had demanded an investigation into the potential for fraud by personally benefiting from a false representation.

It highlighted that the MSP had insisted that the data bill was down to his parliamentary duties and raised concerns about the lack of investigation by the Scottish parliament to prove this.

Mr Matheson has agreed to pay the money back following an outcry.

As the scandal threatened to engulf Humza Yousaf’s government, Mr Matheson yesterday rejected media requests to discuss his winter plan for the NHS, after figures showed a sharp decline in the proportion seen within four hours at emergency wards.

In the week ending November 5, 60.9 per cent (15,129) of patients were seen within four hours – the lowest since the first week in January, when the NHS was in the grip of a winter crisis.

Michael Matheson is alleged to have racked up the bill using his iPad during a festive trip to Morocco

The Scottish Tories have threatened to call a vote of no confidence in the minister unless he hands his iPad to parliamentary authorities to check its browser history

Some 15 per cent waited more than eight hours, while 6.7 per cent spent more than half a day in an emergency department.

The last time the figure for 12-hour waits was so high was the week ending January 15. Scottish Labour health spokesman Jackie Baillie said: ‘These statistics have revealed an NHS in crisis, with patients being left in danger as a result.

READ MORE: SNP Health Secretary Michal Matheson urged to hand over iPad for parliamentary probe as Tories demand to see detail of what he used it for in £11,000 holiday data bill scandal

‘Michael Matheson must hang his head in shame for his abysmal failure to support NHS staff and keep patients safe.

‘It’s time for Mr Matheson to put the iPad down and get to work in tackling delayed discharge and the crisis in social care, which is putting pressure on NHS services.’

A spokesman for First Minister Mr Yousaf said avoiding distractions had been a factor in Mr Matheson’s decision to reimburse the parliament, adding: ‘But if the opposition bring forward that [vote of no confidence] debate this week, then obviously, inevitably, there’s a distraction.’

In a statement issued through the Scottish Government press office, Mr Matheson said: ‘A&E performance is not where it needs to be and we continue to work closely with [health] boards to support delivery of sustained improvements.

‘Hospital bed occupancy continues to have an impact on performance. To address this, the delayed discharge and hospital occupancy action plan is being implemented at pace.’

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