Colorado restaurant Casa Bonita opening reminds reader of a South Park Episode

Cartmanland, Season 5, Ep. 6

You know, there’s a South Park episode that I haven’t heard referenced regarding the Casa Bonita opening. One of the characters buys his favorite amusement park so he won’t have to wait in line for any of the rides. Eventually, he figures out that it’s more fun with all his friends, so he lets the other main characters into the park with him. By the end of the episode, he has to let everyone in in order to pay the bills.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker are, unfortunately, not going to run out of money to run their private restaurant any time soon. It’s a shame, but at the end of the day, it does belong to them and if it’s meant to be a private clubhouse, so be it. I just wish they hadn’t gotten our hopes up. One more piece of my childhood gone isn’t going to kill me.

David Roberts, Fairfield, Wash.

The effort to keep Trump off Colorado ballot

Re: “Voters sue to disqualify Trump,” Sept. 7 news story and “Trump ‘engaged in insurrection or rebellion’; let’s prove it in Colo. court,” Sept. 7 commentary

Well done. What a powerful statement to make to the whole of this country! The lies, the obfuscations, and the willful misinterpretation of the facts surrounding the insurrection must all stop. We must reclaim the truth; our future as a nation is at stake.

The 14th Amendment is clear: it’s meant to keep those out of government who have tried to rebel against it. I won’t say his name — he must never be allowed in government again. Too many Americans have died defending the Constitution that he tried to break.

Never again, not in this country.

So proud to be a Coloradan.

Sarah Erickson, Mackay, Idaho

I read the commentary by Martha Tierney and Mario Nicolais urging legal action to bar Donald Trump from the ballot in 2024 with interest. I did not vote for Trump in the primaries in 2016 or 2020 and wrote in a name in the 2020 general election. So, I am opposed to another Trump presidency.

However, I am very much opposed to the proposal by Tierney and Nicolais in The Denver Post Thursday editorial page. Barring opposing candidates from an election sounds too much like the approach used in dictatorial countries, such as Nicaragua, Venezuela and Russia, among others. The authors claim Trump called for political violence when he specifically asked the protesters to be peaceful. The authors then ask that Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold bar him using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. However, he has neither been convicted nor charged in court with insurrection!

If their proposal were to be allowed, then in the future, any candidate could be kept off the ballot by simply charging that the candidate engaged in mutiny or insurrection without proof.

Richard Postma, Littleton

At last, the lawsuit restores the rights of all current and former Colorado Republicans to vote for a presidential nominee who understands that political power is the means to serve a common good.

Removing a candidate constitutionally disqualified by his own narcissistic hand, one motivated only by self-indulgence in his own personal power, restores the meaning of our vote for a nominee who both cannot later be disqualified or removed from office; and one who, if elected, can serve our country, our state, and our people.

All Coloradans, and perhaps all Americans, will benefit.

Mary Estill Buchanan, Boulder

Editor’s note: Estill Buchanan is a former two-term Republican Colorado Secretary of State.

I’d like to know why these liberals and so-called “Republicans” and unaffiliated voters feel like they should decide for the rest of the people who they can vote for.

Larry Fries, Aurora 

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